Bryce Canyon Sunrise

Bryce Canyon Sunrise

This is a photo of Bryce Canyon at sunrise, taken by yours truly a week or so ago. The place was weirdly beautiful and oddly devoid of American tourists. I can only assume they were more interested in stuffing themselves at the all-you-can-eat buffets in Vegas, spending their hard earned cash (or my tax dollars, more likely, given the morbidly obese state of so many of them it seems unlikely they are physically suited to do any kind of work) at the slots and roulette tables. Europeans were in Bryce. Japanese too. Perhaps they have a better appreciation for natural wonders. Maybe Americans need to be hit over the head with auditory and visual stimulation and given the opportunity to indulge their gluttonous impulses, culinary and otherwise, in order to be impressed. In any event I sincerely doubt that Vegas can offer a more beautiful landscape than this.
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