Thursday, April 21, 2005

Webpage Woes

I placed this women bloggers link on my blog and also at the bottom some kind of hit-o-meter that tells you how many times the page has been viewed. Unfortunately I know almost nothing about web page design so I couldn't get the stupid code where I wanted it. I am taking a mini-web page design class next month (with oldest offspring) so maybe I'll figure it out then.

Speaking of oldest offspring, I drove him to Seven Springs last night during a horrendous storm. Somehow we timed our departure to exactly coincide with the arrival of the front of the storm, to ensure maximum stressful driving. On the bridge east of Monroeville we actually saw an 18-wheeler almost tip over from the wind gusts. THAT was fun. Then we missed the exit due to missing sign (probably blew away) and heavy construction, so we drove 20 plus miles out of our way to get there. But I deposited him safely at the hotel into the care of the activity advisors, along with a gigantic drum full of cheese puffs and a case of Costco soda in a variety of flavors. He's in teenage heaven.

Speaking of teenagers, I'm glad son #1 is gone for a few days. His school received a bomb threat this week so everyone is being subjected to massive searching as they disembark from the buses, including electronic wands designed supposedly to detect weapons. What the school evidently fails to comprehend is that while 500 plus students are standing around outside the school in a dense mob, the alleged perpetrator could easily carry out his (her?) deranged plan. I'm guessing that if someone was determined to commit the act, the banning of backpacks is not going to prove much of a deterrent. Anyway, the rumor is the threat will come to fruition on Friday when son #1 is away. I did keep him home from school the day after the threat (which was April 19, for you conspiracy buffs, Hitler's birthday and the anniversary of Okla. City & Waco disasters; Columbine was April 20.) What is a mother to do in these circumstances??


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