Monday, April 04, 2005

Where is My Brain?

Where is my brain? Sometimes I miss it. Like today, when Jon said "are you sure there aren't any meetings about 9th grade you're missing?" "No," I confidently replied, "we haven't received anything." Then in my continuing futile quest to get organized, I started going through the gargantuan pile of paper that threatens to take over the kitchen, and lo and behold, there's a letter saying (a) there's a meeting today (I already missed it) and (b) there was one last week also (missed that one too). I do confess that the one I missed today was being replayed tonight for parents who work but I couldn't drag myself over there, because (a) I've been to this particular meeting before, when son #1 started there, and (b) the parents in attendance usually drive me nuts with all their questions. You've got 300 parents in the auditorium, and some type-A mother inevitably raises her hand to ask some pathetic and/or irrelevant question about her precious child, the answer to which has no significance to any other person in the room. Then there are the parents who take notes. What do they do with those notes? Do they really consult them at a later date? Or am I the only parent out there that has other stuff to do on a Monday night (like blogging????? ouch that hurt). In my defense, tomorrow we have Hebrew school, baseball & guitar lessons, on Weds. we have swimming lessons in the afternoon & religious school in the evening (plus a whole bunch of other stuff during the day), on Thursday we have piano & cello lessons. Also another school meeting tomorrow in the a.m. School meetings drain my psyche. These mothers make me feel like I've deprived my children because I haven't given them voice lessons, acting lessons, music camp, hockey camp, math camp......But back to the letter notifying me of the meetings. There were 2 of them. They were each 5 paragraphs long. If something has more than 2 paragraphs, I put it aside with the optimistic expectation (or delusion, whatever) that I'll have the time (or inclination) to focus on it later. What usually happens is that "later" becomes after the meeting has actually taken place. I take solace in the fact that my kids are nice and seem to be faring rather well under the circumstances (i.e. they have a mother that lets them do their own thing.) I may feel differently when my kids wind up at a junior community college studying welding while all their friends go to Harvard. OK OK I'll go to the meeting tomorrow.


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