Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Haven't checked in lately. Busy with usual stuff. Today had my hebrew bible class, rabbi wants me to be able to read some text next week. I've learned about 10 letters and a few vowels, but get confused over mem and final mem, and nun and final nun. What the heck is that about?? And vowels that are silent, and dots that don't mean anything. I'm doing OK though, considering a week ago I knew no hebrew at all. Finished my essay about my birth, will post on my other blog on Friday. Hope it's not too sentimental.
TCM is showing all oscar winning movies this week...must see what they're showing tonight, in about 5 minutes. Last night it was The Best Years of Our Lives. Robert Osborne claims many people think it's the best movie ever made. That's saying something. I watched about half & fell asleep, not because the movie wasn't good but because I went to the dentist yesterday & had lots of drilling & novocaine, which gave me a headache. Also didn't sleep much the previous night due to mutt barking at raccoons that appear to have emerged from hibernation (in February??), so I took a tylenol p.m., put me right to sleep. So I guess I'll rent the movie at some future date. Can't be better than Dr. Zhivago.


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