Sunday, March 27, 2005

Returning from Fla.

We're en route from Fla. to the Burgh, stopping overnight in Charlotte to see the Jags. Such a long drive from Fla. yesterday. Nine gazillion people, all of them driving north on 75. North of Tampa traffic came to a complete standstill in the northbound lane, where we were, and there was not one single car in the southbound lane. Don't know what happened but whatever it was it cleared all north & southbound lanes. So we exited & took the scenic route north, through a thunderstorm of course. That was fun (said with a note of sarcasm). Took almost 13 hours to get to Charlotte but today we vegged & ate & napped & we'll be all rejuvenated for our trip home in the a.m. Must pick up the mutt before 5; young ones must prepare for school on Tues. But Naples was fun. Kids swam constantly. The beach now resembles Jersey it's so crowded. At this moment the boys are playing grand theft auto on PS2, which I have always said is strictly verboten. Watching them I see the prohibition is justified. So they can play it here (relaxed rules while on vacation, that's my lame explanation) but we won't get it at home. I'm tough aren't I. OK so I'm a pushover, I admit it.


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