Bush Vindicated?
I'm no expert but things must be going a helluva lot better in the mideast than most news reports would suggest. The New York Times, not exactly prone to sing Bush's praises, no matter how well deserved, has a sizable article today (page A10) captioned "For Bush, No Boasts, but a Taste of Vindication." Says he "seems" entitled to claim that a thaw has begun in the broader middle east; "seems just possible" that Bush and Wolfowitz were not wrong to argue that staus quo in mideast "cannot be ignored or appeased, kept in a box or cut off." They had to throw in "seems", to make us think maybe it's not really true. But you've got new Palestinian leadership that "seems" determined to make peace with Israel; you've got wildly successful Iraqi elections; even Egypt is moving to multiparty elections. Top it off with Lebanese demands to get Syria out of there, and well, Bush is looking pretty damn good. When the New York Times can't ignore it, something big is happening. So kudos to Bush and company....keep up the good work! So all you liberals out there who are still whining about Kerry, at least give credit where credit is due. You may hate Bush because he's born again, or because he believes in an ownership society, or just because he's not Kerry, but even you have to admit there's good news out there, news that will benefit generations to come. Oh and pay attention. The Dow is poised to cap 11,000 this week.
I did see that. But your comment reminds me of my college history professor, who said Mussolini was the best thing to happen to Italy because the people weren't capable of governing themselves. Paternalistic don't you think? I have more faith in democracy than in despotism.
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