Thursday, February 17, 2005

My kids are teaching me Hebrew

Wow I have awesome kids. My 11-year old is giving me pointers on reading hebrew. I now know 5 letters: shin, tav, bet, lamed & mem. Actually I also know aleph and vet, plus 2 vowels (the ones they put in there to help with pronunciation.) He's proud that he knows more than I do and he can really help. My 7-year old, who hasn't started religious or hebrew school yet (we keep holding off....can't bear to put one more commitment on the schedule), is excited about learning with me. His brain is way quicker than mine and he loves learning. So we have a group project! Tomorrow I start my new writing class at the community college. I hope the instructor is competent and I REALLY hope I'm not the oldest one there! I hope I don't have to read my stuff to the class. But we must face our fears, right?


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