Rainy day, groggy mind
It is so hard to get motivated on a day like this. Upper 30's, pouring rain, gray gray gray! I just wanted to stay under a blanket all day long, especially since the mutt was up barking until all hours, but my catholic guilt never lets me indulge that way. So I went to body pump, which was really good, then grocery shopping, then home for lunch...a little office work, then OK yes I did get under a blanket for about 20 minutes, interrupted by numerous phone calls. Read a little fiction in a back issue of the New Yorker. But by 3:00 I went to meet Noah at the bus (so he wouldn't have to walk home in freezing rain), then picked up Phil at school at 3:30, while Josh went to a movie with his good buddy. Picked up Sam at 4:00. Swim lessons cancelled today so it's less hectic than usual. Jon took boys 1 & 2 to religious school, while boys 3 & 4 hung out at home with me. Actually it's been a rather mellow evening. Looking forward to bed though...under the blanket with my warm husband. I look forward to that every night!
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