So I haven't been writing
every day but I have written a few things (not posted here) that came out sort of good. I'd like to do a column for the local paper, at least get something published to give me momentum. I wrote a few good things this week but nothing good enough to share.
What's in the news? This Bush plan on social security as a way to move us toward an ownership society is brilliant. If there is no ownership there's no motivation. The first pilgrims in this country proved that. They tried to set up a utopian society where everyone worked for the common good. They starved. Some resorted to cannibalism. Once they changed the original model to one of ownership...a you keep what you kill sort of model, they thrived. Why work if you can't enjoy the fruits of your labor? Especially if the guy next to you, who does nothing, gets the same as you. What I don't understand is why Bush & Co. don't characterize social security for what it is...just a pyramid, a Ponzi scheme, which is illegal everywhere but in the government. The reason it's illegal is that the people who put money in later get fleeced. It can't sustain itself. So let's shift to a system where social security taxes are put into private accounts for the later use of those who put it there. And by the way, why is there a cap on earnings that can be taxed for social security? There should be NO social security tax until you make, say $25,000/year, then you keep paying as long as you're earning above that. The first year I practiced law, I couldn't believe when I suddenly got a bigger paycheck about 2/3 into the year and someone explained it was because I hit the cap for making social security payments. It defies logic. The people who can most afford to pay get the big break. The people at the bottom of the income ladder are taxed on their first dollar. Who put this dumb system together anyway (and don't say was someone who worked for him.)
The upcoming inauguration. What sour grapes I keep reading about the "insensitivity" of holding a lavish party. We're celebrating democracy that works. It's paid for by private donations. Bush won. Get over it. I can't see Kerry the aristocrat & his annoying wife having a subdued inauguration, had they won (thank God they didn't).
Napoleon Dynamite...watched it yesterday, it sucked. It was really bad. Someone told me they loved it, they bought it, yada yada yada....really, it was barely watchable. Also watched Bourne Supremacy, which was OK...decent rental. Not as good as Bourne Identity. Wish they hadn't killed off "marie" that actress, Franka whatever her name is. She was so great in Run Lola Run & also in the first Bourne movie. Matt Damon is OK but he's not in her class.
Want to see Sideways, Being Julia, Ray, Hotel Rwanda, Million Dollar Baby, but of course they're not playing here in the Burbs. They'll get here eventually, hopefully before the oscars so I can see them.
Tested the snow thrower today. A little complicated but Sam got it working & the driveway is nice & clear now. Hope it warms up before we go skiing next week.
Went to the RV show on the pop-ups, some sleep 6 & even have a bathroom. That would be an adventure, camping with the boys. Maybe next summer. I'm afraid to spend too much, with college for Sam just 2 plus years off.
Talked to Matilda today. She's mentally paralyzed. She hasn't been outside in weeks. .She can't get anything accomplished, even phone calls. It's like she's waiting to die. If she has to do one thing, like take her husband to the doctor (which is on location), that's it for the week. She can't do anything else. I told her I'd like to take her to Phipps to see the orchids & she seemed to like that idea. Maybe in a week or 2 if the weather warms up a bit.
That's all for now.......this counts as writing for the day, even if it's random & not usable in any other context.