Saturday, January 08, 2005

Keep on Writing....

OK I've been lazy again. I swear it's the weather. Dark & dismal & damp. All I want to do is sleep under a nice comfy down blanket. But I promised I'd write something every day so I'm writing this. Doesn't matter what it is as long as I write, right? Travel plans on my mind. Big trip to Utah avec la famille in August. Made plane reservations on a soon-likely-to-be-defunct airline, using frequent flier miles for 5 of 6 tickets, so I'm doing my part to ensure its demise. I did buy 1 ticket so that's my contribution ($298) toward its survival. Will also see Las Vegas, a dream come true for the kiddies. They'll be disappointed when they discover they're too young to gamble but we can do wholesome things....Hoover dam, Lake Meade, Zion & Bryce. Never been to the desert in August but who cares. We'll stay someplace with a pool. We'll work our way up to Salt Lake City for a family reunion. (Read Under the Banner of Heaven & glad I don't have daughters that could be abducted by some crazy mormon polygamist psycho.) Also planning trips to Fla, NYC & NC, plus Philly in Nov. I should go back to work so I can pay for this stuff but if I keep writing maybe I'll sell something and thus contribute to the family coffers. Must keep in mind the prospect of college for son#1 in 3 years...last college fair we attended was rude awakening. $40k plus for good private schools these days. Will the youngster get any scholarships? One hopes, or one may end up in bankruptcy. Speaking of son#1, he must go face a magistrate next month for allegedly disorderly conduct at the mall. HAH! Here's a young man, honors student, never been in trouble for one minute in his whole life, shopping with his parents and younger sibs, and he gets cited by a mall cop for defending himself against some punk who was pushing him around in the food court! So now he & his dad (the lawyer) are going to plead not guilty but he has to miss school & go thru the whole mess. The other party (the one that started the scuffle) will be there too so I'm sure son#1's dad will be asking a few questions. The whole thing is annoying but I told son#1 that I'm proud of him for defending himself. He's not a big guy & not athletic. He's cerebral. He's on the debate team. He's in the latin club. Does this sound like someone who'd start a fight, especially when he's shopping with his parents? Makes me feel for the kids out there with no lawyer for a dad, or no dad at all, or no $$ to defend themselves. We had to pay $50 just to plead not guilty! There are court costs too but hopefully the magistrate will be a man of reason & throw the whole stupid situation out. And that's all for today folks.


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