Thursday, September 23, 2004

Blue & Red States

So let's talk politics. I saw somewhere on the web today a map showing the states that are wrapped up for Kerry, the ones that are wrapped up for Bush, and the ones that are still in play. It's crazy. Right now Kerry has 9 states: Calif, NY, Mass, Ill., CT, Del., VT, RI & MD. Basically we're talking the liberal northeast, plus the big kahunas of Calif & Ill. Bush has 17 states, comprising a majority of the vast geographic portion of the country. People who want to junk the electoral college have to realize that NY & Cal. would basically be electing the president. The people in the heartland would have no voice. PA is a swing state. I'll be shocked if it goes republican but it would be nice to know my vote actually counted for a change. Kerry is so uninspiring and his wife is so condescending. They dwell in a world of such rarified privileges they couldn't possibly relate to your average american. Let's see either one of them start a business & be successful at it. She was handed a fortune when her first husband died; he's been living off his wives and the taxpayers for his whole career. They don't have the first clue what people in business face. Bush didn't exactly have an underprivileged life himself but at least he hasn't been living off my tax dollars. I have a lot of confidence that he is a decent, honest, hardworking person. He has chosen principle over popularity...let's hope he has taken us on the correct course. I have zero faith in Kerry. How can he pick a trial lawyer as a running mate??? We haven't seen Edwards since he was chosen as the VP pick. He may be a decent guy but qualified to be President? I don't think so. And all this nonsense about Vietnam and where was Bush and did Kerry serve's just dumb. Those on the left forfeited their right to question anyone's service when they elected Clinton, who not only didn't serve, he actually dodged the draft. People's memories are too short. So I put my faith in Bush and his advisors. I don't know what the answer is on Iraq but they know more than I do so I have to trust their judgment. Of course a Bush win opens the door to the evil Hillary in 2008. She is bad news. Talk about condescending. It takes a village, my ass. It takes ME to raise my kids, not her, not the government. OK enough of that. Back to the stadium chair.


Blogger veggiedude said...

All those blue spots on the map, they are the suburbs, the places that heavily went democrat. All the red places, they are rural, they went heavily republican. You, obviously, are rural, and your blog should be "notes from ruralaria".

November 06, 2004 5:44 PM  
Blogger calabresewoman said...

Is that a word? No, it's the suburbs, trust me. Lots of houses, nary a farm in sight. Lots of big box retailers. It's annoying.

November 07, 2004 5:43 PM  

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