No wonder I never watch TV (hardly ever). I felt like vegging out tonight (one child at sleepover, 2 teenagers exhausted from cross country, 4th child watching something on TV (wrestling?), husband at zoning meeting) so I turn on the TV. THERE IS NOTHING. On CNN, Larry King interviewing the host of Fear Factor. Inane. On Bravo there's Celebrity Poker. How stupid is that?? On some other channel there's Debra Norville (of Today infamy a decade ago) commenting on swift I want to listen to a former Miss America who failed at powder puff interviews opine on an incident that happened 30 years ago that no one, not even the participants, can agree on? I'm so tired of swift boats. Did Kerry lie or didn't he? How about we talk about what he did (or failed to do) in his 20 years in the Senate? My guess is it's because he voted with Ted Kennedy 99.9999% of the time and is afraid to let anyone know about it. A little honesty and a discussion of substance would be so refreshing. Theresa Heinz-Kerry is incredibly annoying. I think she's had her eye on the white house since day 1. But I digress. I should be reading or writing instead of watching TV. Although I did watch the end of an interesting French movie called The Taste of Others on DVD. And I guess since I'm blogging that counts as writing, according to Writers Digest (or is it Writers' Digest? or Writer's?) OK I'm rambling now so I'll go read The Great Fire, a National Book Award winner. With the exception of Three Junes, I've liked all Nat'l Book Award books I've read. Really disliked 3 Junes.
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