Sarah Palin Resigns as Governor
Just logged onto for a quick look at any breaking news I may have missed during the course of my busy life today (why do I do this? I don't even like the New York Times. But find me some good writers elsewhere who are plugged in and I'll read that instead.) The lead article? "Palin to Resign as Governor of Alaska". I read the article, allegedly posted "1 minute ago", and discover that the resignation is thought by the talking heads to be a shrewd move to allow Governor Palin to more easily position herself as a Republican Presidential candidate in 2012.
Let me go on record now with this: If Sarah Palin is the Republican nominee in 2012, I will vote for the democratic candidate. I don't care if the democratic candidate is Obama, or Nancy Pelosi, or Chris Dodd, or Lenin himself.
Lest anyone think I'm a wishy-washy moderate, know that my voting record in presidential elections since 1980, the first year in which I was of voting age, is as follows: 1980: Reagan; 1984: Reagan; 1988: Bush I; 1992: Bush I; 1996: Dole; 2000: Bush II; 2004: Bush II; 2008: McCain. Not that I'm so proud of Bush II or McCain. Kerry might have been palatable in the final analysis, but Gore? No. Obama? If anyone thinks the government owning 70% of General Motors is a good idea, raise your hand. Did you raise your hand? You're an idiot. Go read a history book, then go operate a small business, or any other kind of business, and get back to me.
Let me go on record now with this: If Sarah Palin is the Republican nominee in 2012, I will vote for the democratic candidate. I don't care if the democratic candidate is Obama, or Nancy Pelosi, or Chris Dodd, or Lenin himself.
Lest anyone think I'm a wishy-washy moderate, know that my voting record in presidential elections since 1980, the first year in which I was of voting age, is as follows: 1980: Reagan; 1984: Reagan; 1988: Bush I; 1992: Bush I; 1996: Dole; 2000: Bush II; 2004: Bush II; 2008: McCain. Not that I'm so proud of Bush II or McCain. Kerry might have been palatable in the final analysis, but Gore? No. Obama? If anyone thinks the government owning 70% of General Motors is a good idea, raise your hand. Did you raise your hand? You're an idiot. Go read a history book, then go operate a small business, or any other kind of business, and get back to me.