Friday, February 04, 2005

Updike Does It Again....

I've been reading Updike's story collection called Pigeon Feathers...the Pigeon Feathers story itself is brilliant. He's too obsessed with sex in some of his stories, and I wasn't that crazy about Rabbit, Run, which I just finished. But Pigeon Well-crafted plot, fleshed out characters, moral dilemma, great resolution. I like to read Updike because his writing teaches me about writing. He inspires me to write. I'm taking another writing class on memoires, memories and short stories. I'm hoping it lights a fire under my butt & gives me some goals.
What else? On the home front, kids were sick this week but nothing unmanageable. Sam's on antibiotics for an ear infection; other kids were throwing up, always such fun in the middle of the night. Josh seems to have escaped the illness unscathed.
Glorious sunny day in February. Sun shining on my face as I type. I'd take the mutt for a walk but I'm too tired from body pumping (that's an exercise class, for those of you with impure thoughts).


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