Post election whining
I've been looking at blogs about the election....what a bunch of whiners! I'm guessing that most bloggers are young (under 25?) so maybe they were for Kerry in larger numbers than the general population but they appear to have lost their heads. They're so angry & can't get over that Bush won the electoral AND the popular votes, by comfortable margins. First they whine because W didn't have the popular vote in 2000; in'04 he gets the popular vote by more than 3 million & they say oh it doesn't really count because he only got 51% to Kerry's 49%. Hey, guess what? W could have won 99% to 1% and result is the same: Bush won, so let's move on! There was so much fear-mongering by the dems & all those libs bought into it. Well they should be afraid...of islamists, not Bush. They want to reconcile with France & Germany. Why?? Did anyone notice how Chirac rushed to Arafat's bedside in the french hospital? Can you say "anti-semitism"???? Bush is a great friend to Israel, France would be happy if Israel disappeared. And does anyone remember the first gulf war, when France refused to let us use their airspace, and that was for a cause that had a huge coalition. I just hope Bush makes some serious progress in Iraq and soon. We don't want to give any fodder to Hillary to use in '08 against the repubs. I hope he doesn't pursue the gay marriage amendment. I think he'd lose. I hope he doesn't try to get justices to overturn Roe v. Wade. I think the country would lose. It's hard to explain to someone how you can be pro-life and still think abortion should be safe & legal. Keep the govt out of there.
Okay, Bush has won, but look on the bright side of things. It means Hillary in 2008! Yes, give us fodder. We need some to start all over again!
I like your sound like a practical, reasonable person. I do, however, disagree with you on Bush. The length of these comments is limited, so I'll be brief; while he does come down on the lower taxes side, unless you are wealthy it didn't help you too much (I know, my tax break amounted to about $400 or so...ask Bill Gates or even John Kerry or Bush himself what theirs was in $). Then there is Iraq...a war we had no legitimate justification for. Every single reason used has been disproven. The economy...despite even the recent jobs numbers the unemployment rate is still edging UP! The nation is at war (historically good for the economy) yet we are still down in net jobs. And time will show what court appointments he makes, but I'll bet my tax break they are on the far right bank.
I'm military, and many in the military would never support a president who didn't support a given war. I will not support a president who uses the military in wars that are not necessary. War on terror? Yes...Afghanistan and rooting out al Qaeda were right on. But a read of the 9/11 Commission report shows the error of equating Iraq to 9/11 and al Qaeda.
The beauty of our nation is our differences...I can pay compliment to your blog and your obvious intelligence and good common sense. I do, respectfully, disagree.
Thanks for not shouting. Libs will be much more persuasive if they give sound reasons for their positions and stop with the insults. You make a good case on Iraq. Bush has 4 years now to show some results. If he really wants to bridge the divide in this country he better be careful with those supreme ct. nominees. Arlen Specter is taking a lot of heat for his recent comments but I think he speaks for more than just PA.
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