Sunday, August 03, 2008

I'm Ignoring Myself

You know, I just looked at my post from July 19, where I said I was going to work on something serious every day. I did mean it at the time. But alas, instead of producing the written word, I am getting to be quite the expert on not writing anything at all. I have a million excuses, only a small handful of which have any validity, but here I go again. I will write! Some freaking thing every day!

Actually, I have my cousin Chris to thank for this. He's this amazing writer who mitigates my guilt by saying he likes what I write, and also because he suffers from writing inertia as much as I do, but with much better excuses than me. I appreciate that someone understands my lameness.

Speaking of which, I was just outside watering my pathetic garden. That dry cracked barely living patch of ground struck me as a metaphor for my lack of writing accomplishment over the past few months. I haven't nurtured it and it's dying. So in addition to writing, I decided to nourish my garden as well. I'm going to pay attention to it. I'm going to pour some new dirt on it. I'm going to water it, weed it, and plant some bee balm and more purple cone flowers. It's probably too late to revive it this summer, but by next summer it should be showing signs of life again.


Blogger Chris Clair said...

We have this plant - I don't even know what it is, a lilly of some kind, I think - anyway weeks will go by during which we will walk past it every day and ignore it. Then one day we notice its leaves, all shriveled up, the flower stalks drooped over and the thing on the verge of dying again. "That's it," I'll say. "We finally killed it with neglect." Nevertheless, I'll throw a glass of water in the pot on my way out the door and, every single time, when I come home from work the plant's leaves have spread out again and the flower stalks have perked up. Resilience is funny like that. One of these days maybe we'll even feed it, and move it to a bigger container.

August 06, 2008 9:02 PM  

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