Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mea Culpa, I know!

Mea Culpa, what can I say? I haven't been here all week. And I'm sure if you saw my last post you realized I was at the end of my rope, creativity-wise. But fear not, I'm feeling much better now, since I've finished the painting job (Noah's room) and have made progress on the Portugal trip (more on that later), and I've forged ahead to get the modeling agency moving (Noah again) and resumed my exercise seems I've been having lots of mental blockage. Also we were away for 2 days this week and it takes my aged self a day to recover from all that driving.

Oh, got my hair highlighted, which always makes me feel better! But there are 2 strands of stubborn gray. I don't like that.

But now I'm feeling clear-headed and tomorrow I will resume with the posting and book-writing.


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