Monday, August 23, 2004

Notes from Suburbia

It's about time that I tried this whole blogging thing. It seems easy enough but do I want to share my thoughts? Create a journal? Pontificate? Vent? Time will tell.

So here's my life right now, one week before school resumes (for the kids). Driving boys to cross country practice; working out (cool Body Pump class); laundry; shopping for laptop for my 13-year old; taking my 15 year old to his Latin tutor; 1 guitar lesson; new gym shoes; make dinner....this is not very glamorous. However, liberation is just around the corner when my baby starts 1st grade and for the first time in 15 years I shall own my day, at least until 3:00 p.m. until the troops begin arriving home & my duties as chauffeur/chef/chief nagger of children (did you do your homework? did you play your cello? did you feed the dog?) resume. Oldest son is now hovering so I sign off for now.


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