Thursday, August 27, 2009

Here I am again

I was busy today but I did spend about a half hour on my Belleview story. I wrote a draft and last worked on it in May, so mainly I reviewed and made minor revisions. It is better than I remember it but it has structural problems that I'll be working on.

What was I busy with, if there were no offspring here from 7:45-3:00? Let's see....
7:45-8:45 I walked the dog. The offspring most responsible for her is away at college, so the responsibility falls on moi.
8:45-9:15 I paid bills and answered email.
9:15-9:45 I showered and got dressed for yoga. Yes, I shower before going to the gym. I felt all grungy from my dog-walking, and one needs to feel fresh for yoga. At least this one does.
9:45-9:50 I talked to the local handiman, who showed up unannounced to fix the outdoor drier vent. I didn't even know it was broken.
9:50-11:10 I went to the gym & took the yoga class. I fell asleep during the 8 minute meditation at the end. Did I mention that I didn't sleep last night?
11:10-12:50 I made brownies (on the first day of school my boys deserve to come home to a treat...I'm a thoughtful mother if I do say so), ate lunch and worked on the Belleview story.
12:50-3:10 I changed clothes and volunteered at the middle school library, a 2-hour a week gig that is uncompensated but that I enjoy...I love seeing the new kids who've moved up from 5th grade to 6th, all tiny and unsure of what they're supposed to do, and the 8th graders, who are shaving.
3:10-5:30 I went to the farmers market, made a delicious fresh grilled corn & black bean salad, prepared the chicken for dinner, caught up with the boys on their days, cleaned up the kitchen, made an appointment with the allergist. There were other little tasks in there too.
5:30-now I had dinner with hubby & 2 sons, drank a glass of cheap wine from Whole Foods that wasn't half bad (not purchased in Pennsylvania because of our antiquated laws restricting the sale of alcohol...don't get me started.) Did dishes and came here to post something, anything.
Now until theory I could write some more but in practice I'm tired. Let's face it, I'm 49 years old, I got 4 hours of sleep last night, I'm tired. I wrote this, and I did at least something productive on the writing front. I intend to go to bed obscenely early. Tomorrow I have more time to get something done.
This is excruciatingly dull, I am aware, but it is something, and I'm here, and I intend to return, not next year, not next month, not in a few days...but tomorrow. Count on it.


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