I'm Still Here
I'm still here, if anyone is wondering. I have neglected my writing over the summer, okay, and even before summer I was neglecting really productive writing. But today is the first day of school, and since son#4 is now in middle school, the house is empty at 7:45 a.m. Halelluia! I am determined to get myself on some kind of schedule that includes several days of writing per week. This should be a little easier now since sons #1 & 2 are away at college most of the time. The house is quieter and I can think!
Goals: progress on the "book". Finish the short story for Belleview Literary Review. Write something for the Writer's Digest short story contest. Write something every day! And this post doesn't count.
Goals: progress on the "book". Finish the short story for Belleview Literary Review. Write something for the Writer's Digest short story contest. Write something every day! And this post doesn't count.
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